Friday, March 13, 2009

March 2009: Slough Off Your Winter Muck

March 20th marks the first day of Spring, yahoo! Are you as ready as I am for some warm sunny days? This newsletter will introduce some ideas on how to lighten up after a long heavy winter.

Slough Off Your Winter Muck

Tired of your winter muck? That's the dreary feelings of being cooped up and fighting the cold gray weather. The full sticky feelings of too much winter comfort foods. The lethargic feelings of laying around in winter hibernating the last four months. Or the exhausted feelings of trying to keep up with daily stress and holiday obligations when really all you wanted to do was hibernate.

Sloughing off that slothful feeling:
Spring is here and it's a time of new life! There is so much beauty in life and we're all so busy, it's sometimes easy to miss.

1. Go for a walk. Celebrate the budding trees and earth. Take off your sunglasses and let some sunshine into your eyes. Soak in 15-20 minutes of Vit D from the sun everyday on your hands and face (essential in preventing osteoporosis, plus it just feels good).

2. Sell your leaf blower on EBay and rake the lawn. Get some good old fashioned exercise and fresh air.

3. Sing loudly in the car, shower or wherever you can get away with it. In Chinese medicine, Spring is a time of energy rising that includes old emotions rising to the surface. Let out what you've been holding in.

4. Plant some herbs and discover the delight of eating your own fresh, alive, homegrown food while getting some relaxing nature time.

Spring food tips:
Eating in harmony with the seasons keep us feeling healthier and more balanced. Most of us naturally eat heavier in the winter. Our bodies crave foods that keep us warm and feeling cozy. My personal favorite cold weather indulgence is lasagna! In the Spring, we may feel a weight gain and congestion built up from those heavy foods, but we might not know what to do about it.

1. Spring is the season for green! Eat dark leafy green veggies every day. Try them steamed or simply in salads. Experiment with different lettuces, wild greens and fresh herbs.

2. Sprouts are for Spring! What are the animals eating this time of year? Sprouts! Nature provides the exact foods we need at the right time of year. Sprouts can be put into salads, sandwiches, even a little pile on top of a light soup. Not only are sprouts very cleansing, many are complete proteins!

3. Try a juice cleanse. Dedicate one day or more to your health. I've done a few kinds of detox cleanses and always feel great after. I lose weight, my skin glows, and I learn more about my inner self. My favorite book on cleansing is 3 Days to Vitality by, Pamela Serure. It walks you through how to give yourself a weekend spa treatment right in your own home. Feel free to email me if you want to try this or any other cleanse and need a little more help figuring it out.

4. Simply juice. If you are not up for a full-on cleanse, simply adding a vegetable juice to your diet will do wonders. You'll need a juicer and it can feel like a bothersome project at first, but once you get the hang of it and see how powerful these concoctions are, it's all worth it. With a bit of practice, it becomes easy and delicious. Remember, if you want to feel alive, eat live food!

Recipes of the Month: Green on Green

Super Cleansing Concoction
1/2 a cucumber
4 stocks celery
1/2 bunch fresh parsley
1 granny smith apple, cored
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger (opt)

Juice all in a juicer. Add ice or blend with ice in a blender to create a smoothie. Drink immediately.

Asian Bean Sprout Salad
4 cups fresh bean sprouts
1 red or green bell pepper
2 scallions
2 tbsp canola oil
2 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp agave nectar
1 tsp sea salt

Place sprouts in a large bowl. Use a glass or ceramic bowl, if available. Cut pepper into matchsticks. Chop scallions thinly.
Heat oil in a saucepan on medium. Add garlic and pepper flakes. Saute 30 seconds while stirring. Pour hot over sprout mix.
Whisk together vinegar, agave and salt. Pour over sprout mix. Toss well. Serve immediately. Crunchy, spicy, sweet!

* For bonus healthy Spring points: Serve the sprout salad over lettuce and top with fresh chopped cilantro!
Adaped from Moosewood Cookbook

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